Structure limit control
Only available in the Emp Admin Helper Full version right now
Since the game has its limits like 255 cores on one playfield but also a lot of lagg when to many structures with too many devices are on a playfield, we created the structure limit control (SLC). The SLC tracks all structures from time to time. If a player or faction who does not obey your rules (lets call him sinner) is caught he gets a warning until he obeys again or until the tool takes that structure.
How to activate it:
- In the config you can activate the function. Just check the "Structure limit control".
- If you want to execute also the judgment (taken the structure of the sinner away) activate the "Structure-Control execution" and set a faction in the "Structure-Control: Set to Faction" box. Just put the Faction Tag in there.
- Judgment = If for example a structure is beyond the class limit you set and he ignores all warnings, the tool would set the structure to the faction you entered here. This faction of course needs to be created first. Therefore go into the game, create that faction, but dont leave the faction right away (otherwise the faction might disapear). Just reset yourselve or set for you a new faction by the tool.
- If you want those taken structure to be deleted after some time, activate the "Structure-Control deletion" and set the time for PVE and PVP.
- If you want to check the total amount of structures on a playfield (to prevent going over 255 or what ever you set) set the "Max structure check (in minutes)" to for example 60 (default). 0 = means its turned off.
Now go to Playfields and set whatever you want to control
Playfield limits
Max Fa. CV/BA/SV/HV: 0 = unlimited >0 Allow only x CV/BA/SV/HV's of a faction on this Playfield
Max. Pl. CV/BA/SV/HV: Same just for Player. Note: If FA CV and Pl CV are set to 1, a player could have one private CV and his faction could have 1 faction Cv on that playfield.
Max Class CV/BA/SV/HV: What should be the maximum allowed class for CV/BA/SV/HV
Max Blocks CV/BA/SV/HV: What should be the maximum allowed blocks for CV/BA/SV/HV
Wipe if x hours on playfield: Wipes a structure that stays longer then x hours on the playfield. It will reset once he warps out and in again.(The player can get an overview by typing in CB:WIPE)
Wipe not touched struct. after h: Wipes a structure that was not touched for x hours. (The player can get an overview by typing in CB:WIPE)
Wipe struct. after h: Wipes all structures that were created more than x hours ago and are on this Playfield. Note: This means there is no reset. If you warp in with a structure that was created longer ago (even if you have never been on that playfield before), it will still be deleted. This is good for starter playfields to keep people move into the universe. (The player can get an overview by typing in CB:WIPE)
These checks are run individually per playfield. Therefore you also have to set the following columns:
- Check limits every x minutes: How often should the tool check if someone is over the limit. This setting should be above 4 minutes and is dependend of the setting int he Config\Structures "Structure reload (in minutes)". If this setting is set to 4 then "Check limits every x minutes" can be run every 4 minutes. So you can set it to 4,8,12, or even to 2,3,11 but it will only run as soon as he gets his structures every 4 minutes.
- Limits max warnings: Each time the tool checks the limits the player/faction gets a warning. If this limit is reached the structure would be set to Admin faction and/or deleted if set so in the config (see above)
Max Structures
- How many Structures in General are allowed on that Playfield. The default value is 300! As soon as 90% of your structure-limit is reached a warning about that playfield is send out each time its checked.
- Set the "Max structure check (in minutes)" in the config to determine how often they should be checked.
Global Restrictions
- On this tab you can set the gloabal restrictions for factions and player. This means those restrictions do not count one playfield, but they are counting all structures on the server for this player or faction.
- To determine how often these checks should be made go to Timetable and set the "Total Playfield structure limit check" to 15 minutes and in Parameter for example a "5". That means he controls and warns every 15 minutes and allows 5 Warnings until he would take the ship (if faction is set in config).
What do these settings mean?
- Faction PVE/PVP: How many structures can a faction have on PVE/PVP. This is a fix value. But it could be increased by "Faction PVE/PVP per member"
- Faction PVE/PVP per member: How many structures can a faction have per member on PVE/PVP. For example a 0,5 means that for each 2 members the faction cna have one structure more. If you set it to 2 then a faction can have 2 more structures per member. So this value is dependend on the faction member count.
- Player PVE/PVP: How many structures can a player have (as private) on PVE/PVP. This is a fix value.
- If you set any of these values to 0 then this check is turned off, meaning its unlimited.
Lets take a few examples (see screenshot above)
Base: A faction of 10 can have:
- 5 + (10 * 1,5) = 20 Bases on PVE.
- 5 + (10 * 2,5) = 30 Bases on PVP.
- Each player can also have 1 private Base on PVE and 1 private Base on PVP
CV: A faction of 10 can have:
- 6 + (10 * 0) = 6 CV's on PVE.
- 6 + (10 * 0) = 6 CV's on PVP.
- Each player can also have unlimited private CV's on PVE and PVP
SV: A faction of 10 can have:
- 0 + (10 * 5) = 5 SV's on PVE.
- 0 + (10 * 5) = 5 SV's on PVP.
- Each player can also have unlimited private SV's on PVE and PVP
HV: A faction of 10 can have:
- unlimited HV's on PVE/PVP.
- Each player can also have 7 private HV's on PVE and PVP
How to protect someone from this control:
Admins/Gamemaster etc are allways protected from this control. If a faction has an admin in their faction, this faction is also protected.
Under factions you can also select a faction and check the "Structure Limit Protection" to protect that faction of beeing checked.
Who is a sinner right now:
See under "Str. Limit" in the Function-Flyout.
Here all current sinners and further information are shown.
For example:
- On what playfield the control was made.
- When was he warned last, and how often.
- And which structures are actually the once that are over the limit.